23. The corporation shall de jure have the powers, rights and privileges of ordinary corporations and especially the following:(a) to have a seal and alter it at will;
(b) to appear before the courts;
(c) to acquire, establish, maintain, administer and manage any work or undertaking in the pursuance of its objects;
(d) to acquire, establish, possess, maintain, administer and manage cemeteries, chapels, residences for clerics and houses for employees;
(e) to issue, endorse and negociate bills of exchange, notes and other negotiable instruments;
(f) to borrow money on its credit by any method recognized by the law;
(g) to bind itself and bind others towards it in any legal manner;
(h) to hypothecate or pledge its immoveables, give in security or otherwise encumber its moveable property in any way to secure the payment of its loans or the carrying out of its obligations;
(i) to issue bonds or other titles of indebtedness or securities, and sell, exchange, mortgage or pledge the same;
(j) notwithstanding the provisions of the Civil Code, to hypothecate, mortgage or pledge, while retaining possession thereof, moveable and immoveable property, present and future, in order to secure the payment of the bonds or securities issued, give a part only of such guarantees for the same objects, and constitute such hypothec, mortgage or pledge by deed of trust in accordance with the Special Corporate Powers Act (chapter P-16) or any act that may replace the latter;
(k) to invest its funds in any manner deemed suitable, either in its own name or in the name of trustees;
(l) to accept any gift, legacy or other liberality;
(m) to acquire, possess, administer and alienate any moveable and immoveable property, by all legal methods and under any title whatsoever;
(n) to acquire by expropriation, with the previous authorization of the Government and upon such conditions as it determines, any immoveable property deemed necessary for the pursuit of its objects and situated in the diocese or ecclesiastical division of the bishop of the place;
(o) to erect, possess, repair, equip, improve, transform and utilize any buildings and works suitable for the pursuit of its ends, on its immoveables or on those of which it has the enjoyment, and to contribute to or aid in any manner in the erection, equipment and maintenance of such works and buildings;
(p) to sell, assign or otherwise alienate all or any part of its undertakings and works, gratuitously or for any consideration deemed sufficient;
(q) to make with any public authority arrangements calculated to further the pursuit of its ends, carry out the same and exercise the rights and privileges and fulfil the obligations resulting therefrom;
(r) to solicit, promote and obtain any statute, ordinance, order, regulation or other authorization or provision, legislative or administrative, which may seem calculated to benefit it directly or indirectly, and oppose any proceeding or application of such a nature as directly or indirectly to prejudice its interests;
(s) to make with any person, society or corporation carrying on or intending to carry on enterprises, works or operations which may be advantageous to it, agreements for mutual co-operation and for other similar purposes; join any group or become a member of any association or corporation pursuing undertakings or activities calculated to assist it in the exercise of its powers;
(t) to associate itself with any corporation pursuing undertakings and works connected with its objects;
(u) to do any other things related or conducive to the pursuit of its objects and the exercise of its powers.