5. The confederation is a cooperative whose objects are(1) to protect the interests of the federations affiliated with it, foster the attainment of their objects, promote their development, coordinate their activities and provide joint services to them;
(1.1) to protect, through a legal person referred to in the first paragraph of section 469.1, the interests of the credit unions affiliated with federations affiliated with the confederation, foster the attainment of their objects and promote their development;
(2) to act as control and supervisory body over the federations affiliated with it and over credit unions affiliated with those federations, to the extent provided for in this Act;
(3) to provide educational, promotional, consultative, technical assistance and other similar services to the federations affiliated with it and to the credit unions affiliated with those federations;
(4) to enter, for the attainment of the objects of the federations affiliated with it and of the credit unions affiliated with those federations, into agreements which a federation or a credit union is authorized to join.