137. Every natural person who is a member of the credit union may be a director, except(1) a member or the representative of a member who has been a member for less than 90 days, unless he is a founder;
(2) an employee of the credit union other than the director general or an employee of the federation with which the credit union is affiliated, of the confederation with which the federation is affiliated or of a legal person belonging to the same group as the federation or confederation;
(3) a member of the board of audit and ethics of the credit union;
(4) an officer within the meaning of section 187 or employee of another credit union;
(5) a person of full age under protective supervision or a person totally or partially deprived of the exercise of his civil rights;
(6) an undischarged bankrupt;
(7) a person convicted, in the past five years, of an offence or an indictable offence involving fraud or dishonesty, unless he has obtained a pardon.