214. The Transit Commission may contract loans with the approval of the Council and of the Commission municipale du Québec, in accordance with sections 159 to 166, mutatismutandis. The authorization of the Minister is also required in the cases contemplated in section 159.
However, the approval of the Council shall not be necessary if the term of the loan does not exceed one year.
On or before 1 February each year, the Commission shall appoint one or more auditors for the current fiscal year. Such auditors shall report to the Commission and to the Community on their examination within ninety days following the end of the fiscal year. The Commission municipale du Québec may order the appointment of any other auditor it deems necessary and require a report.
The Transit Commission must, not later than 1 July each year, send to the Minister and to the Commission des transports du Québec a certified copy of the budget for the current year and of the report filed by the auditors for the preceding fiscal year, accompanied by a report on the activities of the Commission for such fiscal year.
The Commission must send to the Minister of Transport any other information he may require.
1969, c. 83, s. 249; 1970, c. 65, s. 6; 1972, c. 55, s. 129; 1972, c. 71, s. 20; 1977, c. 5, s. 14; 1977, c. 80, s. 6.