In addition to the general powers contemplated by this title, the Commission may exercise the following special powers:(a) with the approval of the Commission des transports du Québec, to make any agreement deemed useful with any public transport undertaking;
(b) to lease, on its property, space for any business which it may determine and regulate the use of showcases and display windows in such establishments, and lease advertising space on its property and in its vehicles;
(c) to acquire, possess and operate, by itself, any business at the places described in paragraph b;
(d) to make by-laws respecting the conduct of persons on its property and in its vehicles, or respecting its tickets and transfers;
(e) with the approval of the Community, to perform such works as it deems necessary for the better operation of its services including the power to build, possess and operate grounds or garages for parking, and boarding platforms, to perform works for the widening or straightening of streets and any other works it deems necessary or useful for the efficient operation of its services;
(f) to alienate, without special authorization or formality, any vehicle whose value, in the opinion of the Transit Commission, does not exceed $5 000 and any other moveable property whose value, in its opinion, does not exceed $500;
(g) to alienate for valuable consideration, movable or immovable property the value of which, in the opinion of the Transit Commission, does not exceed $10 000; if the alienation is not effected by auction or by public tenders, the Commission shall publish each month, as the case may be, in a newspaper circulating in its territory, a public notice mentioning all property it otherwise alienated during the preceding month, the person to whom it was alienated and the price of alienation, and shall transmit a copy of the notice to the Minister;
(h) with the authorization of the Council and subject to the formalities prescribed in paragraph g, to alienate for valuable consideration any movable or immovable property the value of which, in the opinion of the Transit Commission, exceeds $10 000;
(i) to provide, within the limits of its territory, a special transportation service for handicapped persons who are unable to use the public transport system and for that purpose:i. directly possess, organize, develop and administer such a service;
ii. make, with any undertaking providing transportation by bus or transportation by taxi or any non-profit organization, a contract to ensure, in whole or in part, operation of such a service;
iii. (paragraph replaced);
(j) to make, with any municipality from outside its territory or any intermunicipal board, a contract to supply a special transportation service in the territory of the municipality or board for handicapped persons and to provide links to points outside the territory;
(k) to make, with a public transit permit holder or a school bus carrier, a contract for the supply of certain public transport services;
(l) to make an agreement with another public body providing public transport to extend its public transport service to the territory of the body.The special service contemplated in subparagraph i of the second paragraph may be furnished in such a manner as to provide links to points outside the territory of the Commission.