158.1. The Community may, in respect of parks, recreation centres and other recreation equipment of an intermunicipal nature, make by-laws to(a) ensure the protection and conservation of the natural environment, or any specific element thereof;
(b) determine to what extent and for what purposes the public may be admitted;
(c) fix the conditions governing any person staying, visiting or partaking in any activity in a park and the duties payable therefor;
(d) prohibit or regulate the possession and transport of arms;
(e) prohibit or regulate the use of boats, aircraft, snowmobiles or any other vehicle;
(f) prohibit the transport and the possession of animals or determine the conditions on which the possession of animals may be allowed;
(g) prohibit or regulate the posting of bills;
(h) ensure that the park is kept clean and orderly and that users enjoy peace and quiet;
(i) prohibit certain recreational activities;
(j) fix the conditions for participation in recreational activities;
(k) operate immoveables and permit, on such conditions as it may determine, their leasing to provide sleeping accommodations, food catering or commercial outlets necessary to the users;
(l) prohibit or regulate the operation of commercial enterprises;
(m) determine the cases where a person may be refused admittance or ejected;
(n) determine the powers and duties of the employees.