The councils of the municipalities of Buckingham, Masson, Ange-Gardien and Notre-Dame-de-la-Salette have an additional twelve months to comply with this section. (1979, c. 95, s. 36).
Moreover, between 31 July 1974 and the date of the coming into force of the by-laws comtemplated in this section, except for agricultural purposes on lands under cultivation, every new use of the land, every new structure or the preparation of every division or subdivision plan of land shall previously be authorized by the Communauté régionale de l’Outaouais in accordance with the rules established in section 6 of the Act to amend the Outaouais Regional Community Act (1974, chapter 85), as replaced by section 30 of chapter 90 of the statutes of 1975 and amended by section 2 of chapter 47 of the statutes of 1976.
In addition, during such period, any loan by-law of a municipality respecting the carrying out of public works shall, when it is transmitted to the Minister and to the Commission municipale du Québec for approval, be accompanied with a notice of the Community. (1975, c. 90, s. 30).