50. The Community may impose, for each infringement of the provisions of any by-law, either a fine, with or without costs, or imprisonment.
When the penalty imposed is a fine with or without costs, the by-law may provide for the imprisonment of the offender failing payment of the amount of the condemnation within the delay prescribed by the court, but the imprisonment shall cease upon payment of such amount.
Save where otherwise provided by this Act, the fine shall in no case exceed $500 nor shall the imprisonment last longer than sixty days. However, in the case of subsequent offences committed within twelve months of the date of the first offence, the fine for a second offence may be of a minimum of $100 and a maximum of $500 and for any subsequent offence, of a minimum of $500 and a maximum of $1 000.
If the offence against a by-law continues, such continuation shall constitute a separate offence, day by day.
The costs shall include in all cases the costs of the execution of the judgment.
Nevertheless, whenever, instead of a fixed penalty, a by-law provides either a maximum and minimum penalty or a maximum penalty only, the court may, at its discretion, impose, in the first instance, such penalty as it sees fit within the limits of such maximum and such minimum, and, in the second instance, such penalty as it sees fit up to the extent of such maximum.