109. The Community, by by-law, subject to the provisions of the Highway Safety Code (chapter C-24.1), may:(1) determine the main traffic thoroughfares and intermunicipal streets in its territory;
(2) regulate or interrupt traffic in such intermunicipal streets and main traffic thoroughfares and the roads which give access thereto;
(3) prescribe the signals to be used to give warning of the carrying out of works on such intermunicipal streets and main traffic thoroughfares;
(4) regulate or prohibit the parking or temporary stopping of vehicles on such intermunicipal streets and main traffic thoroughfares;
(5) order that such intermunicipal streets and main traffic thoroughfares be one way at all times or during certain periods;
(6) regulate the speed of vehicles on such intermunicipal streets and main traffic thoroughfares;
(7) prescribe a uniform type of highway signals to be used by all the municipalities in its territory;
(8) determine minimum standards for snow removal and winter maintenance on such main traffic thoroughfares and intermunicipal streets.