16. The Commission may, in particular, in the pursuit of its objects,(1) acquire any movable or immovable property by agreement or, with the authorization of the Government, by expropriation;
(2) construct, lease, maintain and operate buildings, squares, parks, parkways, highways and other works;
(3) sell or otherwise alienate or lease its property, or grant real rights in its property or use it as security;
(4) make agreements or participate in joint projects with any person;
(5) solicit and receive gifts, bequests, subsidies and other contributions, provided that any attached conditions are consistent with the pursuit of its objects;
(6) grant subsidies or other contributions to a municipality or to a non-profit organization pursuing one of the objects set out in paragraphs 3 and 5 of section 14, or to finance en architectural competition or an information program on the capital;
(7) carry out studies, research and inquiries.