111.5. (1) A committee of information on negotiations charged with informing the public of what is at stake in the negotiations, of the respective positions of the parties, of the differences between the parties and of the progress of the negotiations is established by the chief judge of the Labour Court before the negotiation stage begins.
(2) This committee must report to the public, not later than thirty days following the day of the filing of the employer’s proposals and on the date of the expiration of the collective agreement, or the document in lieu thereof. The committee must also make a report at any time, at the request of the parties. The committee may in addition report to the public at any time it deems it expedient.
(3) This committee is composed of at least five and not over seven members appointed by the chief judge of the Court.The Government shall fix the salary or, where necessary, the additional salaries, allowances or fees of the members of the committee.
The moneys required for this purpose are taken out of the consolidated revenue fund.
(4) The committee may adopt internal management by-laws.
(5) The committee is abolished by the Government after obtaining the advice of the chief judge of the Court. The Minister must table before the National Assembly, within fifteen days of the decision of the Government, the advice of the chief judge of the Court and the order in council ordering the abolition of the said committee. If the National Assembly is not in session, that tabling takes place within fifteen days after resumption.