982.3. A creditor who takes procedures in execution or who, as holder of a movable or immovable hypothec, has registered a prior notice of his intention to exercise his hypothecary rights, may apply to the municipality to declare the amount of its prior claim. The application shall be registered and proof of notification shall be filed in the registry office.
Within 30 days following the notification, the municipality shall declare the amount of its claim and enter it in the appropriate register; such a declaration does not have the effect of limiting the priority of the municipality’s claim to the amount entered.
An application for registration, in the land register, of the application for declaration and of the declaration shall be made in the form of a notice. In addition to the provisions of this section and the requirements of the regulation made under Book IX of the Civil Code, the notice shall indicate the legislative provision under which it is given, the name of the debtor and the name of the municipality; the notice need not be attested and a single copy only need be presented.