901. The special superintendent, after taking the oath of office, must call, hold and preside over a public meeting of the ratepayers interested in the proposed works, at the day, place and hour that he has fixed and of which he gives public notice.
Every interested ratepayer present at the meeting has a right to be heard.
The special superintendent may, after the public meeting of the ratepayers interested in the proposed works, visit such ratepayers at their respective domiciles, and obtain from them all information he may require, and especially so as to determine how the work is to be performed and the share of each one in the said work. He, as well as persons under his control, may pass over private property in the discharge of his duties, without thereby incurring any liability, provided he does no unnecessary damage thereto.
If, upon examining the place, the special superintendent is of opinion that any lot belonging to a person who was not notified, will be affected by the work, he may call another meeting by means of a notice given as above mentioned.