839. The municipal inspector may, without being authorized by the council, perform or have performed the work required on any municipal road, bridge, watercourse or sidewalk within his jurisdiction, which has not been performed in the manner or at the time prescribed, by the persons bound to perform such work.
He may also furnish, purchase or cause to be furnished the materials which should have been furnished or purchased for such public work, and which have not been so furnished or purchased in the manner or at the time prescribed.
Nevertheless, the cost of the work performed and the materials furnished or purchased under this article, must not exceed $5 each year for each piece of land liable for such work, unless the inspector has previously served on the persons liable for such municipal work, a special notice, either verbal or written, enjoining them to perform such work or to furnish the materials required within four days, the whole without prejudice to penalties or damages to which such persons are liable by reason of their default to perform such work or to furnish such materials in the manner and within the time prescribed by the procès-verbaux, by the by-laws or by law.
In every case, the municipal inspector who has performed work, or had the same performed, or furnished or purchased materials, or had the same furnished, under this article, must, as soon as possible, inform the persons in default by a special notice containing a statement of the amount due for such work or materials.
M.C. 1916, a. 561; 1999, c. 40, s. 60.