443. Every local municipality may, by resolution:(a) indemnify persons whose property has been destroyed or injured, either in whole or in part, by rioters, in the territory of the municipality;
(b) contribute to the support of poor persons in the territory of the municipality who, from infirmity, old age, or other cause, are unable to earn their own livelihood;
(c) relieve any person who has received any bodily injury or contracted any sickness or disease at a fire;
(d) grant rewards, in money or otherwise, to any person in the territory of the municipality who performs a meritorious action at a fire, or who saves or endeavours to save anyone from drowning or from other serious accident;
(e) provide for the wants of the family of any person who loses his life at a fire, in the territory of the municipality, while saving or endeavouring to save anyone from a serious accident;
(f) provide for the purchase of engines, apparatus or any device for the prevention of accidents by fire, or for arresting the progress of fires.