4(Articles 155, 156, 419, 420, 426, 429)
Certificate of the Service of a Special Notice in Writing
Province of Québec,
Municipality of ..............
I, the undersigned, A. J., (style,) domiciled in (domicile) certify under my oath of office, (or under my special oath, as the case may be,) that I served the special notice in writing on the other side hereof (or annexed to these presents) upon (name of the person to whom the notice is addressed) by personally delivering to himself a copy thereof, —or by delivering it unto a reasonable person at his domicile, or at his place of business, —or by delivering it unto R. S., his agent duly appointed, or to a reasonable person at the place of business of R. S., his agent duly appointed, —or by depositing a copy thereof, in the post office of this locality, in an envelope sealed and registered or certified, the postage prepaid, (in the case of articles 156 or 426, as the case may be) —or by affixing a copy thereof upon the door (or one of the doors) of his domicile, (or place of business), having found the doors closed, (or not having found any reasonable person in such domicile, or any employee in such place of business,) between .............. and .............. o’clock in the .............., on .............. day of the month of .............. nineteen hundred ..............
(If the notice is addressed to and served upon several persons, describe how it was served on each person.)
In testimony whereof, I give this certificate, this day of the month of .............. nineteen hundred ..............
A. J., or
A. X J.
mark, affixed in
presence of Y. Z.,