Publication of a Municipal By-Law
Province of Québec,
Municipality of ..............
To the inhabitants of the municipality of ..............
Public notice is hereby given by A. B., secretary-treasurer:
That the council of this municipality, at a sitting held (place and date of sitting) has passed a by-law respecting (object of the by-law, and the day of its coming into force, if it comes into force at a time fixed by any of its provisions: indicate also the place where communication thereof may be had.)
(If the by-law has been submitted for the approval of the municipal electors and of the Lieutenant-Governor add—)
And that such by-law has been submitted for the approval of the municipal electors of the municipality, and for that of the Lieutenant-Governor, in conformity with the provisions of the Municipal Code of Québec, and has been approved by them, in the manner prescribed by the said Code, to wit, by the municipal electors at a poll held on the .............. day of the month of .............., 19..............
And by the Lieutenant-Governor on the .............. day of the month of .............. 19..............
(If the by-law has been submitted for the approval of another corporation, indicate the date on which such approval was given.)
Given this .............. day of the month of .............. 19..............
N. B.,