C-27.1 - Municipal Code of Québec

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137. The clerk-treasurer of the regional county municipality who called the meeting is, ex officio, the secretary of the board of delegates.
If the meeting has been convened by two members of the board, the clerk-treasurer of the municipality whereof such two members are the delegates, is the secretary of the board. If the two members belong to different councils, the secretary of the board is appointed by the delegates, and must be the clerk-treasurer of one of the regional county municipalities.
The secretary keeps minutes of the proceedings of the delegates, and deposits the same with all other documents of the board, in the archives of the municipality whose officer he is; and he forwards a copy to the office of each of the other regional county municipalities interested.
The clerk-treasurer of each regional county municipality must forward to each local municipality interested, among the municipalities whose territory is included in that of the regional county municipality, a copy of every decision of the board of delegates.
M.C. 1916, a. 102; 1996, c. 2, s. 253; 2021, c. 31, s. 132.
137. The secretary-treasurer of the regional county municipality who called the meeting is, ex officio, the secretary of the board of delegates.
If the meeting has been convened by two members of the board, the secretary-treasurer of the municipality whereof such two members are the delegates, is the secretary of the board. If the two members belong to different councils, the secretary of the board is appointed by the delegates, and must be the secretary-treasurer of one of the regional county municipalities.
The secretary keeps minutes of the proceedings of the delegates, and deposits the same with all other documents of the board, in the archives of the municipality whose officer he is; and he forwards a copy to the office of each of the other regional county municipalities interested.
The secretary-treasurer of each regional county municipality must forward to each local municipality interested, among the municipalities whose territory is included in that of the regional county municipality, a copy of every decision of the board of delegates.
M.C. 1916, a. 102; 1996, c. 2, s. 253.