36. No person shall in any way whatsoever:(a) use the title “Vocational Guidance Counsellor”, “Guidance Counsellor”, “Vocational Counsellor” or any title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is such a counsellor, or use initials which may lead to the belief that he is such a counsellor, or use the initials “V.G.C.”, “G.C.” or “V.C.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec;
(b) use the title “Criminologist” or any title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a criminologist, or use initials which may lead to the belief that he is a criminologist, or use the abbreviation “Criminol.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des criminologues du Québec;
(c) use the title “Dietician”, “Dietitian” or “Nutritionist” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a dietician, a dietitian or a nutritionist, or use initials which may lead to the belief that he is a dietician, a dietitian or a nutritionist, or the initials “P.Dt.”, “Dt.P.” or “R.D.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des diététistes-nutritionnistes du Québec;
(d) use the title “Social Worker” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a social worker, or use initials which may lead to the belief that he is a social worker or the initials “P.S.W.”, “T.S.P.”, “S.W.” or “T.S.”, or use the title “Marriage and Family Therapist”, “Marriage Therapist”, “Family Therapist”, or a title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is such a therapist, or use the initials “M.F.T.”, “T.C.F.”, “M.T.”, “T.C.”, “F.T.” or “T.F.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec;
(e) use the title “Psychologist” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a psychologist, or use initials which may lead to the belief that he is a psychologist, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des psychologues du Québec;
(f) use the title “Certified Human Resources Professional” or “Certified Industrial Relations Counsellor” or any title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a certified human resources professional or a certified industrial relations counsellor, or use the initials “C.R.I.”, “I.R.C.”, “C.R.I.A.”, “C.I.R.C.”, “C.R.H.A.” or “C.H.R.P.” unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des conseillers en ressources humaines et en relations industrielles agréés du Québec;
(g) use the title “Psychoeducator” or any title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a psychoeducator, or use initials which may lead to the belief that he is a psychoeducator, or use the abbreviation “Ps. Ed.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des psychoéducateurs et psychoéducatrices du Québec;
(h) use the title “Urbanist”, “Town Planner” or “City Planner” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is an urbanist or a town or city planner, or the abbreviation “urb.”, or initials which may lead to the belief that he is an urbanist or a town or city planner, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des urbanistes du Québec;
(i) use the title “Chartered Administrator” or “Certified Management Advisor” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a chartered administrator or a certified management advisor, or initials which may lead to the belief that he is a chartered administrator or a certified management advisor, or the initials “C.Adm.”, “Adm.A.” or “C.M.C.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des administrateurs agréés du Québec;
(j) use the title “Chartered Appraiser” or “Chartered Assessor” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a chartered appraiser or chartered assessor, or use letters which may lead to the belief that he is a chartered appraiser or chartered assessor, or the letters “C.App.” or “E.A.”, unless he holds a valid permit for such purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des évaluateurs agréés du Québec;
(k) use the title “Dental Hygienist” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a dental hygienist, or initials which may lead to the belief that he is a dental hygienist, or the initials “D.H.”, “H.D.” or “R.D.H.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des hygiénistes dentaires du Québec;
(l) use the title “Dental Prosthesis and Appliance Technologist” or any title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a dental prosthesis and appliance technologist, or initials which may lead to the belief that he is a dental prosthesis and appliance technologist, or the initials “D.P.A.T.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des technologues en prothèses et appareils dentaires du Québec;
(m) use the title “Speech Therapist”, “Speech-Language Pathologist” or “Audiologist” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a speech therapist, speech-language pathologist or an audiologist, or initials which may lead to the belief that he is a speech therapist or audiologist, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec;
(n) use the title “Physiotherapist”, “Physical Therapist” or “Physiotherapy Technologist”, the abbreviation “pht” or “Phys. T.”, the initials “P.T.” or any title, abbreviation or initials which may lead to the belief that he is a physiotherapist or a physiotherapy technologist, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec;
(o) use the title “Occupational Therapist” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is an occupational therapist, or the abbreviation “erg.”, or initials which may lead to the belief that he is an occupational therapist or the initials “O.T.” or “O.T.R.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des ergothérapeutes du Québec;
(p) use the title “Nursing Assistant” or “Licensed Practical Nurse” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a nursing assistant, or the abbreviation “inf.aux.” or “n.ass’t”, or initials which may lead to the belief that he is a nursing assistant, or the initials “I.A.”, “I.A.D.”, “I.A.L.”, “L.P.N.”, “N.A.” or “R.N.A.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires du Québec;
(q) use the title “Medical Technologist” or “Registered Technologist” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a medical technologist or registered technologist, or the abbreviation “tech.med.”, or initials which may lead to the belief that he is a medical technologist or registered technologist, or the initials “M.T.” or “R.T.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des technologistes médicaux du Québec;
(r) use the title “Applied Sciences Technologist”, “Professional Technologist” or “Professional Technician” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is an applied sciences technologist, professional technologist or professional technician, or use initials which may lead to the belief that he is an applied sciences technologist, a professional technologist or a professional technician or the initials “A.Sc.T.”, “P.T.”, “T.Sc.A.” or “T.P.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des technologues professionnels du Québec;
(s) use the title “Registered Respiratory Therapist” or “Technician in Inhalation Therapy and Anesthesia” or any other title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a registered respiratory therapist or technician in inhalation therapy and anesthesia, or the abbreviation “Inh.”, or use initials which may lead to the belief that he is a registered respiratory therapist or technician in inhalation therapy and anesthesia, or the initials “R.R.T.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des inhalothérapeutes du Québec;
(t) use the title “Certified Translator”, “Certified Terminologist” or “Certified Interpreter”, or any title or abbreviation which may lead to the belief that he is a certified translator, certified terminologist or certified interpreter, or use initials which may lead to the belief that he is a certified translator, certified terminologist or certified interpreter or use the abbreviations “C.Tr.”, “C.Term.” or “C.Int.” or “trad.a.”, “term.a.” or “int.a.”, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec;
(u) use the title “Sexologist” or any title, abbreviation or initials which may lead to the belief that he is a sexologist, unless he holds a valid permit for that purpose and is entered on the roll of the Ordre professionnel des sexologues du Québec.