37. Every member of one of the following professional orders may engage in the following professional activities in addition to those otherwise allowed him by law:(a) the Ordre professionnel des conseillers et conseillères d’orientation du Québec: assess psychological functioning, personal resources and conditions in the milieu, respond to needs with regard to identity, and develop and maintain proactive adjustment strategies with a view to helping a person make personal and vocational choices throughout life, regain socio-vocational autonomy and carry out career projects in interaction with his environment;
(b) the Ordre professionnel des criminologues du Québec: assess a person’s criminogenic factors and offending behaviour as well as the effects of a criminal offence on the person who is a victim, determine an intervention plan and ensure that it is implemented, support and restore the social skills of the offender and of the person who is a victim with a view to fostering their social integration in interaction with their environment;
(c) the Ordre professionnel des diététistes-nutritionnistes du Québec: assess the nutritional status of a person and determine and ensure the implementation of a response strategy designed to tailor diet to needs in order to maintain or restore health;
(d) the Ordre professionnel des travailleurs sociaux et des thérapeutes conjugaux et familiaux du Québec:i. if practising the profession of social worker: assess social functioning, determine an intervention plan and see to its implementation, and support and restore social functioning in relation to a person’s milieu with a view to fostering the optimal development of the person in interaction with his environment;
ii. if practising the profession of marriage and family therapist: assess the relationship dynamics of couples and families, determine a treatment and intervention plan, and restore and improve a couple’s or a family’s lines of communication with a view to fostering better relations between spouses or family members in interaction with their environment;
(e) the Ordre professionnel des psychologues du Québec: assess psychological and mental functioning, and determine, recommend and carry out interventions or treatments with a view to fostering the psychological health and restoring the mental health of a person in interaction with his environment;
(f) the Ordre professionnel des conseillers en ressources humaines et en relations industrielles agréés du Québec: practise the art of establishing, maintaining or changing relations between employees, between employers or between employers and employees;
(g) the Ordre professionnel des psychoéducateurs et psychoéducatrices du Québec: assess a person’s adjustment problems and capacity to adjust, determine an intervention plan and ensure that it is implemented, restore and develop the person’s capacity to adjust, and contribute to the development of conditions in the milieu with a view to fostering the person’s optimal adjustment in interaction with his environment;
(h) the Ordre professionnel des urbanistes du Québec: provide the public with professional services involving the application of the principles and methods of development and use of urban land or land to be urbanized;
(i) the Ordre professionnel des administrateurs agréés du Québec: take part in the establishment, direction and management of public bodies or undertakings, determine or remodel their structures and coordinate and control their methods of production or distribution and their economic or financial policies and provide advisory services in such matters;
(j) the Ordre professionnel des évaluateurs agréés du Québec: give in all respects a duly motivated opinion on the value of any immovable property or right and, in matters of expropriation, of any movable or immovable property or right and determine the value of property subject to assessment in accordance with the Act respecting municipal taxation (chapter F-2.1), the Municipal Code (chapter C-27.1), the Cities and Towns Act (chapter C-19), the Education Act (chapter I-13.3), the Education Act for Cree, Inuit and Naskapi Native Persons (chapter I-14) and the special laws applicable to municipalities, to school service centres and to school boards; (k) the Ordre professionnel des hygiénistes dentaires du Québec: assess a person’s oral health, teach the principles of oral hygiene, determine a dental hygiene care plan and ensure that it is carried out, and provide care and treatment in order to prevent oral disease and maintain and restore the person’s oral health;
(l) the Ordre professionnel des technologues en prothèses et appareils dentaires du Québec: produce dental prostheses or dental appliances in order to replace a person’s missing teeth or to correct an oral abnormality and advise the dentist, denturologist or physician, in particular on technical aspects;
(m) the Ordre professionnel des orthophonistes et audiologistes du Québec: assess the auditory, language, voice and speech functions, determine a treatment and intervention plan and ensure its implementation in order to improve or restore communication for a person in interaction with his environment;
(n) the Ordre professionnel de la physiothérapie du Québec: assess physical function limitations and disabilities related to the neurological, musculoskeletal and cardiopulmonary systems, determine a treatment plan and apply treatment in order to obtain optimal functional performance;
(o) the Ordre professionnel des ergothérapeutes du Québec: assess functional abilities, determine and implement a treatment and intervention plan, develop, restore or maintain a person’s skills, compensate disabilities, reduce handicapping situations and tailor the environment to needs with a view to fostering the optimal autonomy of the person in interaction with his environment;
(p) the Ordre professionnel des infirmières et infirmiers auxiliaires du Québec: participate in the assessment of a person’s state of health and in the carrying out of a care plan, provide nursing and medical care and treatment to maintain or restore health and prevent illness, and provide palliative care;
(q) the Ordre professionnel des technologistes médicaux du Québec: conduct analyses and tests in the field of medical biology on the human body or on specimens and ensure the technical validity of the results for diagnostic or therapeutic follow-up purposes;
(r) the Ordre professionnel des technologues professionnels du Québec: subject to any Act governing a professional order whose members practise an exclusive profession, perform work of a technical nature in the field of applied sciences within his competence, according to procedures, recognized standards and methods or according to plans, estimates or specifications, and use the instruments required for the performance of such work;
(s) the Ordre professionnel des inhalothérapeutes du Québec: assess a person’s cardiopulmonary condition, participate in the administration of anesthesia and sedation analgesia, and treat problems affecting the cardiopulmonary system in order to restore and maintain the person’s cardiopulmonary health;
(t) the Ordre professionnel des traducteurs, terminologues et interprètes agréés du Québec: provide services consisting in the translation of texts, spoken words or terms from one language to another, as an intermediary between persons of different languages;
(u) the Ordre professionnel des sexologues du Québec: assess a person’s sexual behaviour and development, determine, recommend and carry on interventions and treatment in order to foster a better sexual balance in the person in interaction with the person’s environment.