C-25 - Code of Civil Procedure

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975. If an action having the same juridical basis or raising the same questions of law as an action brought pursuant to this Book is before the Superior Court or the Court of Québec, the judge suspends the hearing of the case, if one of the parties so requests, until the judgment on the other action has become definitive, provided no serious prejudice may be caused to the opposite party. Such decision may be revised by a judge at the request of one of the parties, if warranted by new circumstances.
1971, c. 86, s. 1; 2002, c. 7, s. 148.
975. Whenever possible, the judge attempts a reconciliation of the parties.
If necessary, the judge causes the clerk to take minutes recording the agreement of the parties; such agreement, signed by the parties and countersigned by the judge, is equivalent to a judgment.
1971, c. 86, s. 1.