C-25 - Code of Civil Procedure

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853. The writ is prepared by the clerk and must contain on the back the names of the judge on whose order it has been issued, of the person who has applied for it, and of the person who has given the affidavit required. The writ is served by leaving the original with the person to whom it is addressed, or with his representative or agent at the place where the person is confined; if it is addressed to several persons, the original is left with one of them and copies are left with the others.
The return of service is made on the back of a copy of the writ or on a separate paper which is attached thereto.
1965 (1st sess.), c. 80, a. 853; 1992, c. 57, s. 420.
853. The writ is prepared by the prothonotary and must contain on the back the names of the judge on whose order it has been issued, of the person who has applied for it, and of the person who has given the affidavit required. The writ is served by leaving the original with the person to whom it is addressed, or with his representative or agent at the place where the person is confined; if it is addressed to several persons, the original is left with one of them and copies are left with the others.
The return of service is made on the back of a copy of the writ or on a separate paper which is attached thereto.
1965 (1st sess.), c. 80, a. 853.