210. A third party who intends to intervene in a proceeding for conservatory or aggressive purposes must notify a declaration to all the parties, specifying the party’s interest in the case and the conclusions sought and stating the facts justifying such conclusions, and file a copy of the declaration at the office of the court; in addition, the third party’s declaration must propose an intervention procedure which must be consistent with any agreements between the parties and with the timetable agreed between them or determined by the court.
The parties have 10 days to express their opposition in writing, notify it to the parties and file a copy at the office of the court. If no opposition is filed, the third party’s interest is presumed sufficient and the intervention procedure accepted. If an opposition is filed, the third party shall apply to the court for a determination; if it authorizes the intervention, the court determines the intervention procedure.
An intervening party becomes a party to the proceeding.
1965 (1st sess.), c. 80, a. 210; 2002, c. 7, s. 37.