659. Any application, contestation or opposition with respect to execution is presented as if it were an application in the course of a proceeding. It is heard and decided without delay. It is presented without formality if the judgment was rendered under Title II of Book VI. In such a case, the rules of representation applicable under that Title also apply with respect to execution.
The application, contestation or opposition is presented in the district of the court that rendered the judgment. However, a bailiff applying for an authorization or presenting any other incidental application to the court or to the court clerk may do so in the district of the place where the execution proceedings are to be carried out.
When execution proceedings concern two or more judgments, the application, contestation or opposition is presented before the court that rendered the judgment which gave rise to the initial notice of execution, but if the judgments were rendered at different jurisdictional levels, it is presented before the Court of Québec or, if the execution proceedings concern a judgment of the Superior Court, before the Superior Court.