431.0.4.To be admissible, an application for recognition of a filiation established outside Québec must be filed together with the child’s foreign act of birth or the decision establishing the filiation and the foreign legislation. It must also, if applicable, be accompanied by the certificate of compliance for the project issued by the Minister of Health and Social Services. An application to claim status must also be attached, if applicable.
431.0.4.To be admissible, an application for recognition of a filiation established outside Québec must be filed together with the child’s foreign act of birth or the decision establishing the filiation and the foreign legislation. It must also, if applicable, be accompanied by the certificate of compliance for the project issued by the Minister of Health and Social Services. An application to claim status must also be attached, if applicable.
2023, c. 132023, c. 13, s. 511.
The second sentence of this article will come into force on a date to be set by the Government (2023, c. 13, s. 86 (2)).