C-25 - Code of Civil Procedure

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956. Two or more plaintiffs may join in the same action if their claims have the same juridical basis or raise the same questions of law or fact. However, the judge may, if he or she is of the opinion that the ends of justice will be better served, order that the actions be heard separately.
If each of the actions of the persons, partnerships or associations joining in the same action involves a small claim, the action is governed by the rules contained in this Book. Otherwise, it is governed by the rules contained in the other Books of this Code.
Despite the preceding paragraph, the execution of a judgment rendered on a small claim is effected pursuant to this Book.
1971, c. 86, s. 1; 1992, c. 63, s. 2; 2002, c. 7, s. 148.
956. A natural person who cannot avail himself of this Book as a creditor and who is summoned as a debtor, in accordance with this Book, must act himself or be represented only by a person in his sole service bound to him by contract of employment.
A legal person who avails itself of this Book as a creditor or who is summoned as a debtor, in accordance with this Book, must be represented only by one of its directors, one of its officers or by a person in its sole service bound to it by contract of employment.
1971, c. 86, s. 1; 1992, c. 63, s. 2.
956. A person who cannot avail himself of this book as a creditor and who is summoned, in accordance with this book, as a debtor must, in the case of a physical person, act himself or be represented only by an employee in his sole service and, in the case of an artificial person, must be represented only by an employee in its sole service.
1971, c. 86, s. 1.