602.2. A photograph or series of photographs of a road vehicle taken by a detection system is admissible as evidence(1) in any penal proceedings for an offence under a provision determined under the first paragraph of section 519.79; and
(2) in any proceedings that could lead to the imposition of a monetary administrative penalty for a failure to comply with a provision determined under section 573.2.
The photograph or series of photographs is proof, in the absence of any evidence to the contrary, of the accuracy of the elements affixed to or visible in one or more of the photographs taken by means of that system.
The Government may, by regulation, prescribe the elements referred to in the second paragraph. The Government may also, by regulation, determine other rules of proof applicable in respect of an offence or a failure to comply observed by means of a detection system.
2024, c. 102024, c. 10, s. 221.