163. The Régie may, by regulation,(1) prescribe the formalities of an application for registration, a licence, or renewal thereof;
(2) prescribe the necessary forms for the application of this Code;
(3) determine the manner in which any particular category of registration plates are to be attached to motor vehicles;
(4) determine the other places where a temporary registration certificate or a registration plate must be attached;
(5) establish the cases in which and the criteria on which conditions may be attached to a licence;
(6) determine the content of the registers that must be kept to operate a driving school licence;
(7) establish the criteria according to which it may recognize a road vehicle as an emergency vehicle or a road vehicle having three wheels and used for the transportation of handicapped persons as a moped;
(8) prescribe a medical and optometric guide for the issuance of driver’s licences or learner’s licences.
(9) fix the duties payable for the issue of the registration plate or certificate or for their renewal, for the issue of a duplicate of a certificate or a duplicate metal plate and for the replacement of a damaged, lost or stolen registration plate or sticker;
(10) fix the duties payable for the issue, renewal and exchange of a driver’s licence or learner’s licence or a certificate of competence;
(11) prescribe the duties payable for the issue of a duplicate of a driver’s licence or learner’s licence;
(12) determine the duties payable for admission to the proficiency examination set by the Régie;
In force: 1985-10-16
(13) fix the duties payable for the issue or renewal of driving school licences and instructor’s licences according to their classes and categories, the operating duties for each class-room used and the amount, nature, object, duration and the terms and conditions of the security that may be required.