AffidavitCANADA,Province of Québec, COURTDistrict of Plaintiff, VS Defendant. I, M. N., plaintiff in this cause, being duly sworn, declarethat, in the present cause, I am not acting in collusion withthe defendant, and that I do not prosecute for the purpose ofpreventing such action or prosecution being instituted by anyother person, or for the purpose of delaying or causing suchaction to miscarry, or for the purpose of saving such defendantfrom the payment of the whole or any part of such penalty, orof procuring for him any advantage; but that I institute suchprosecution or action in good faith conscientiously believingthe same to be well founded, and for the purpose of exactingand recovering the payment of such penalty with all practicablespeed. M. N. Sworn before me, at ........................................,this ............... day of the month of ............., 19..... P. S. Justice of the Peace.