52. The policy statement of a certification or directory service provider must specify, at least,(1) what information may be entered in a certificate or a directory and what information is confirmed as accurate by a certificate, as well as the guarantees of accuracy offered by the service provider ;
(2) the information review intervals and the updating procedure ;
(3) who may be issued a certificate and who may cause information to be entered in a certificate or a directory ;
(4) any restrictions on the use of certificates and directory entries, including a limit on the value of the transactions for which they may be used ;
(5) how it can be determined, upon making a communication, whether a certificate or information entered in a certificate or in a directory is valid, suspended, cancelled or stored ;
(6) how additional available information not yet entered in the certificate or the directory, especially as regards updated use restrictions applicable to certificates, may be obtained ;
(7) the confidentiality policy applicable to information received or communicated by the service provider ;
(8) the complaints procedure ; and
(9) how certificates will be disposed of by the service provider upon ceasing to operate or becoming bankrupt.