14. The certification board shall make regulations determining(1) the criteria for the issue of a fisherman’s or fisherman’s helper’s certificate, in particular the professional training required, including apprenticeship at sea, and the fees payable ;
(2) the criteria for the issue of an apprentice fisherman’s certificate, in particular the fees payable ;
(3) the issue, content and updating of a fisherman’s or fisherman’s helper’s booklet and of an apprentice fisherman’s booklet.
A regulation made pursuant to subparagraph 1 of the first paragraph must also provide for qualifications that are equivalent to those it determines, including experience.
The certification board may make regulations determining(1) the obligations of certificate holders, in particular as regards continuing education and the information and documents to be communicated to the certification board or preserved ;
(2) the professional conduct of certificate holders ;
(3) the cases in which certain persons may be exempted from the application of all or part of the regulations under this section, subject to any conditions provided.