18. The library may, in particular, for the purposes of its functions,(1) preserve a copy of the documents published in Québec, preferably in their original form or, failing that, on a medium using modern techniques of preservation;
(2) acquire any document published outside Québec which may further the development of Québec documentation;
(3) publish a bibliography of the documents published in Québec, an analytical index of the articles contained in the major magazines published in Québec and any document which may be useful for research purposes;
(4) make known and enhance its collections and the collections of other libraries or agencies by exhibitions or any other appropriate means;
(5) establish forms of cooperation with other persons, societies or agencies engaged in the field of documentation;
(6) acquire, dispose of, rent, lend, borrow, exchange, preserve and restore documents;
(7) sollicit and receive gifts, legacies, subsidies or other contributions and make use of them.
The library may, by by-law, determine the conditions under which documents may be acquired, disposed of, rented, lent, borrowed, exchanged, preserved or restored.
No gift, legacy, other contribution or subsidy in money to which a charge or condition is attached may be accepted by the library, except to the extent authorized by the Government.