104. (1) The Committee on Discipline may have recourse to all legal means to ascertain the facts alleged in the complaint; with the consent of all the parties, the Committee may also, in its discretion, receive evidence taken outside the trial.
(2) The Committee must permit the respondent to present a full and complete defence.
(3) The complaint may be amended at any time on the conditions necessary to safeguard the rights of the parties. However, except with the consent of the parties, the Committee shall not allow any amendment which would result in an entirely new complaint unrelated to the original.
(4) The Committee shall summon such witnesses as it or either party may see fit to hear and require the production of any document, by ordinary summons over the signature of the clerk.
(5) It shall have all the powers of the Superior Court to compel witnesses to appear and to answer, and to condemn them in case of refusal; for such purpose the respondent shall be considered a witness.
(6) It shall administer the oath or solemn affirmation to the parties and witnesses through the agency of one of its members.
(7) Every party or witness summoned before the Committee on Discipline is entitled to be assisted or represented by an advocate.