11. (1) The Bâtonnier of the Province of Québec shall be president of the Bar. He shall have right of general supervision of the affairs of the Bar and shall preside at meetings of the General Council, sittings of the executive committee and general meetings. He shall be a member ex officio of all committees appointed by the Bar, except the disciplinary bodies, the professional inspection bodies and the committee for access to the profession. He shall prevent and reconcile disputes of a professional nature between the members of the Bar.
(2) Advocates who have held the office of Bâtonnier of the Province of Québec shall retain the title and shall have precedence according to seniority as long as they remain members of the Bar.
(3) When the Bâtonnier of the Province of Québec is absent or unable to act, the vice-president shall replace him and perform his duties.
(4) When the office of Bâtonnier of the Province of Québec becomes vacant, the vice-president shall assume it for the unexpired portion of the then current term; the General Council shall then elect one of its members vice-president.
(5) Apart from the Bâtonnier of the Province of Québec and the vice-president, the executive committee may appoint other officers whose duties it shall determine.