36.1. Where he considers it appropriate for the proper management of the consolidated revenue fund, the public debt and any sinking funds of which management has been entrusted to him under this Act or any other general or special Act, the Minister may acquire, hold, invest in or conclude(a) options and futures contracts;
(b) currency exchange agreements;
(c) interest rate exchange agreements;
(d) any other instrument or contract of a financial nature determined by the Government.
The Minister may also effect a transaction referred to in the first paragraph between that fund and the consolidated revenue fund for the purposes of the management of the financing fund.
The Minister may dispose of the instruments, contracts and investments referred to in this section or terminate, according to their terms, contracts or agreements made in accordance with this section upon such conditions and for such amounts as he considers the most advantageous.
Any document relating to a transaction to which this section applies may be signed in the name of the Minister by any person designated by the Government.
The charges and expenses incurred under this section shall be charges and expenses relating to the management of the consolidated revenue fund within the meaning of section 30, with the exception of those incurred for a sinking fund and for the financing fund, which shall be payable, respectively, out of the fund concerned.
1990, c. 88, s. 1; 1996, c. 12, s. 4.