50. Where the law provides that an appropriation is a net voted appropriation, the amount of the expenditures chargeable against the appropriation is equal to the total of the amount of the net voted appropriation and the amount of the estimated revenues. A net voted appropriation is the amount by which the estimated expenditures exceed the amount of the estimated revenues as shown in the estimates.
If the revenues are less than those estimated, the amount of the expenditures chargeable against the appropriation is reduced accordingly.
If the revenues are greater than those estimated, the amount of the expenditures chargeable to the appropriation may exceed the total amount referred to in the first paragraph up to the amount of the surplus revenues.
The Government shall determine, on the joint recommendation of the Minister of Finance and the chair of the Conseil du trésor, the nature of the revenues other than revenues from levies or taxes that may constitute revenues for the purposes of a net voted appropriation, and the terms and conditions applicable to the utilization of a net voted appropriation.