A-5.01 - Act respecting clinical and research activities relating to assisted procreation

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Not in force
43.1. For the purposes of articles 542 to 542.18 of the Civil Code, a centre for assisted procreation must, as concerns the third person who provides reproductive material for the purpose of contributing to the assisted procreation of a child, collect
(1)  the information concerning the third person’s profile determined by regulation in accordance with article 542.1 of that Code;
(2)  the third person’s name; and
(3)  the information making contact with the third person possible.
If the reproductive material of a third person is used to contribute to the assisted procreation of a child, the centre must, as soon as possible, send that information and the identifier assigned to the third person to the Minister of Employment and Social Solidarity for entry in the register kept in accordance with article 542.10 of that Code. However, if the reproductive material used to contribute to the assisted procreation of a child comes from outside Québec, the centre must instead send to the Minister, for entry in the register, the name and location of the enterprise from which the reproductive material was obtained.
The centre must inform the person alone or the spouses who formed the parental project of their obligation to send to the registrar of civil status the information referred to in article 542.15 of that Code.
A government regulation prescribes the other information that must be sent by the centre to that Minister.
2023, c. 13, s. 35.