19. (1) The Inuit register kept by the Secretary General indicates, in the case of Inuit beneficiaries, the Inuit community to which those beneficiaries are affiliated.
(2) Every Inuk beneficiary is affiliated(a) to the Inuit community in which he is accepted for enrollment by the Enrollment Commission,
(b) to the Inuit community in which he is accepted for enrollment in conformity with section 11 or 17, or
(c) to the Inuit community to which one of his parents is affiliated, subject to subsections 3 and 4.
(3) An Inuk beneficiary shall not be affiliated to more than one Inuit community at any given time.
(4) Every Inuk beneficiary born of parents affiliated to different Inuit communities is deemed affiliated to his father’s Inuit community. Upon his majority, that Inuk beneficiary has the right to be enrolled in either community and notifies the Secretary General of the Inuit community in which he wishes to be enrolled, failing which, he remains a member of his father’s Inuit community.
(5) When two Inuit beneficiaries affiliated to separate Inuit communities marry, they retain affiliation to their respective Inuit communities of origin.
(6) Every Inuk beneficiary affiliated to an Inuit community may be affiliated to another community with the consent of the latter. That consent is given in the form of a resolution approved by a majority of the members of the board of directors of the Inuit land holding corporation of that community present at a meeting called for that purpose. The said resolution is immediately forwarded to the local registry officer contemplated in subsection 8.
(7) Notwithstanding the foregoing, every Inuk beneficiary who has established permanent residence in an Inuit community for at least three years may be affiliated of right to that community. This right extends to his consort and minor unmarried children.
(8) The Government shall appoint, for each Inuk community, as local registry officer, a qualified Inuk beneficiary or the land holding corporation of the community.That local registry officer keeps and maintains the Inuit community list and immediately notifies the Secretary general of all changes in the list necessitating changes in the Inuit register.