20. The Government may make regulations to(1) determine the information, authorizations, attestations, reports or documents that a corporation or investor must furnish to the Société de développement industriel du Québec and the time at which they must be filed, and determine the form of such reports, authorizations and attestations and the information they must contain;
(2) determine what constitutes the assests of a corporation and its shareholders’ equity, including those of a corporation associated with the corporation, and the method of computing them;
(3) determine the sectors of activity in which a corporation referred to in section 3 is required to operate, except the activities it determines;
(4) define the expressions “associated corporations”, “fledgling corporation”, “significant interest”, “employee”, “arm’s length”, “related corporation”, “related persons”, “publicly known” and “term of qualified investment”;
(5) determine for the purposes of this Act the meaning of “designated venture capital corporation” and establish the criteria according to which the Société de développement industriel du Québec may recognize a “corporation publicly known as a venture capital corporation” and an “authorized venture capital corporation”;
(6) determine the conditions which must be met by a qualified corporation and a qualified investor during the term of a qualified investment;
(7) while ensuring that the objectives of this Act with regard to the promotion of capitalization are respected and maintained, require that certain transactions be subject to the prior authorization of the Société de développement industriel du Québec in respect of(a) the sector of activity in which a qualified corporation is required to operate during the term of a qualified investment;
(b) the use of funds resulting from a qualified investment by a qualified corporation;
(c) substantial cash outflows that may be made by a qualified corporation;
(8) determine tariffs of duties and fees payable to the Société de développement industriel du Québec in respect of any act performed by it under this Act.