93.115. The Minister may order the Authority to dissolve a mutual insurance association if(1) within 60 days of the confirmation of the resolution provided for in section 93.7 or of its expulsion from a federation, the association has failed to pass a resolution or by-law, as the case may be, to affiliate with another federation, apply for the constitution of a new federation, amalgamate with a mutual insurance association, convert into a mutual damage-insurance company or wind up;
(2) within 120 days of the confirmation of the resolution provided for in section 93.7 or of its expulsion from a federation, the association has failed to affiliate with another federation, constitute a new federation, submit to the Minister an amalgamation agreement with a mutual insurance association or a by-law providing for its conversion into a mutual damage-insurance company or, failing that, to pass a resolution for its winding-up;
(3) within 60 days of the deposit in the register of the notice of winding-up or dissolution of the federation of which it is a member, the association has failed to pass a by-law or resolution, as the case may be, to affiliate with another federation, apply for the constitution of a new federation, amalgamate with a mutual insurance association, convert into a mutual damage-insurance company, or wind up;
(4) within 120 days of the deposit in the register of the notice of winding-up or dissolution of the federation of which it is a member, the association has failed to affiliate with another federation, obtain the constitution of a new federation, amalgamate with a mutual insurance association, convert into a mutual damage-insurance company or, if it has failed to pass a resolution for its winding-up.