74. In addition to the other regulatory powers assigned to it by this act, the Régie may, by regulation:(a) determine the form of applications for insurance, of certificates and of claims, and the information to be furnished in them;
(b) fix for each agricultural zone the final date for submitting applications for insurance, alterations of agricultural programs and claims;
(c) determine what persons may apply for insurance on behalf of a producer;
(d) classify the categories of insurable crops and describe in Québec zones which according to the nature of the soil and climatic conditions, are homogeneous;
(e) determine the conditions of eligibility of a producer to an individual plan or to a collective plan;
(e.1) prescribe the establishment of a collective insurance plan relating to a commercial crop or honey production and determine the conditions of participation in that plan by a producer;
(e.2) determine the forces of nature the harmful effects of which may cause a loss in yield confined to a part of a zone;
(f) determine what persons are authorized to sell insurance, the conditions of their hiring and remuneration, and the methods and procedures to be followed in selling insurance;
(g) determine what persons are authorized to make collective or individual appraisals, the conditions of their hiring and remuneration, and the methods and procedures to be followed in making an appraisal;
(h) determine the terms and conditions of payment of indemnities and compensation;
(i) determine the equivalences and the terms and conditions for computing the value insurable under the collective plan;
(j) make rules of procedure and practice for meetings of the Régie and applications for review;
(k) subject to the provisions of this act, define the word “yield”;
(l) establish rules for its internal management;
(m) prescribe any other measure it considers appropriate for the carrying out of this act.