53. (1) The land surveyor shall have the minutes signed before him, by the parties if they are present, or by their authorized representatives if they are able and willing to sign.
(2) The signature of any party to the minutes of a boundary determination may be affixed in the presence of a land surveyor other than the land surveyor who has drawn up the minutes. In such case, after signing by the party and immediately below, the land surveyor who has executed it must enter and sign an attestation of receipt of such signature before him and the date of receipt of such signature.
(3) If the parties or their representatives are not present, or if they are unable or unwilling to sign, the land surveyor shall mention it.
(4) The land surveyor shall cause to be registered in the registry office of the division concerned, all minutes of boundary determination which he prepares, and the registrar is bound to note it in the index of immoveables or, in the index of names if no index of immoveables is available.