13. In addition to the powers provided in section 94 of the Professional Code, the Bureau may, by regulation:(a) determine the dues payable to the Order by candidates for the practice of the profession or for obtaining a specialist’s certificate;
(b) establish and administer a retirement fund for the members of the Order and set up group insurance plans for land surveyors;
(c) establish and administer a relief fund for the benefit of needy land surveyors, the assets of which shall be invested in accordance with article 981 o of the Civil Code;
(d) determine how often a land surveyor must compare his measuring instruments with the standards of measure recognized by the Government;
(e) establish standards respecting the keeping of records;
(f) determine the form, dimensions and nature of the boundary marks, marks or bench-marks placed by a land surveyor;
(g) determine the procedure which the syndic must follow to claim possession of records and remit such records to the prothonotary in the case referred to in subsection 2 of section 59 and fix the costs that must be assumed by the person obliged to make such deposit;
(h) determine the circumstances in which the Bureau may appoint a person as provisional custodian of records, the powers and obligations of such provisional custodian, the term of such provisional custody and the terms and conditions concerning the affixing of seals on such records until the appointment of a provisional custodian and determine the costs of provisional custody and of the affixing of seals which must be assumed by the land surveyor whose records are placed in provisional custody;
(i) determine the other terms and conditions for the issuing of a permit to the person mentioned in the second paragraph of section 37, particularly the subject matters on which such person must pass examinations.