54. Accreditation gives the certification body for a recognized reserved designation or authorized added-value claim the power or obligation(1) to administer a certification program that complies with the applicable accreditation manual;
(2) to refrain from unduly limiting the accessibility of its services for those to whom a specification manual or a regulation authorizing an added-value claim applies or whose activities are regulated by such a manual or regulation;
(3) to certify products bearing the recognized reserved designation as compliant with the specification manual or to certify products bearing the authorized added-value claim as compliant with the regulation of the Minister;
(4) to ensure that the parties registered with the certification body comply with the specification manual or with the standards defined by regulation of the Minister;
(5) to receive any proposed amendment to a specification manual and forward it to the Board;
(6) to keep an up-to-date list of the parties registered with the certification body, including their business contact information, and an up-to-date list of the products it certifies, and provide access to those lists, which are public information; and
(7) to impose a contribution on the parties registered with the certification body to cover its operating costs.