256.1. No permit authorizing a cadastral operation may be refused in respect of a tract of land that, on 30 November 1982 or on the date of the day preceding that of the coming into force of the first interim control by-law of the regional county municipality, when that date is later than 30 November 1982, does not form one or several separate lots on the official plans of the cadastre and the metes and bounds of which are described in one or several acts published to that date, on the sole ground that the area or the dimensions of the land do not allow it to satisfy the pertinent requirements of an interim control by-law or of a subdivision by-law, if the following conditions are observed:(1) on the date mentioned above, the area and the dimensions of the land allow it to satisfy, where such is the case, the pertinent requirements of the regulation on cadastral operations applicable on that date in the territory where the land is situated, and
(2) a single lot results from the cadastral operation, except where the tract of land is comprised in several original lots, in which case a single lot for each original lot results from the cadastral operation.