103.6. All the guarantee holders responsible for the harvest in the forest operations zones specified in a harvest agreement must sign the agreement. The agreement must specify which of the guarantee holders is to carry out the harvest in each of the forest operations zones and which is to establish the infrastructures needed to carry out the harvest.
Only the designated guarantee holders are required to carry out the timber harvest and establish the infrastructures needed to carry out the harvest, but each of the other guarantee holders party to the agreement is liable for carrying out the forest development activities specified in the agreement as if each were bound as solidary surety. In addition, all guarantee holders party to the agreement are solidarily responsible for applying the corrective measures required by the Minister under the second paragraph of section 65 and, in a case of failure to comply, for the payment of the costs incurred by the Minister pursuant to that paragraph.
The guarantee holders designated to carry out the harvest and establish the infrastructures represent all the guarantee holders party to the agreement in their relations with the Minister, unless other persons have been designated for that purpose. They act as contact persons with the Minister with respect to forest operations and, if applicable, inform the Minister of any difficulties encountered or apprehended in forest operations zones with regard to forest planning.
To facilitate the operational organization of harvest activities and the maintenance of forestry certification, if applicable, the Minister constitutes, for the area covered by the harvest agreement, an operations panel comprising the designated guarantee holders and the holders of a permit to harvest timber to supply a wood processing plant who are concerned by the harvest agreement.