103.2. The Minister may not be held liable for damage caused to the holder of a timber supply guarantee resulting from the holder’s delivering only part of the timber provided for in the timber sales contract if, in the course of a year, part of the volumes of timber purchased by the holder under the guarantee could not be delivered because of(1) the variable quantity of minor or under-represented species in a region, which species, according to the best available information, should have been found in the forest operations zones specified in the operational plan for integrated forest development, such as Eastern white cedar, white and red pine, red oak and eastern hemlock;
(2) timber left in forest operations zones that should have been harvested by the designated holders under this Act, the regulations and the applicable sylvicultural prescriptions;
(3) harvest integration problems due to holders’ waiving their right to purchase part of the annual volumes of timber specified in their guarantee or due to the cancellation or suspension of guarantees involving the volumes covered by the annual program; or
(4) differences of opinion related to the performance of an integration agreement.