161. The mandate of the Bureau is to promote and support assistance to the victims of crime and to perform any function entrusted to it by the Minister concerning compensation.
In carrying out its mandate, the Bureau shall foster the provision of information to victims of crime and the establishment of appropriate programs and services. For these purposes, the Bureau may, within the scope of government policy and in relation to any matter relating to victims of crime(1) take part in the development, assessment and review of programs and services;
(2) implement and administer the programs;
(3) foster the coordination of the programs and services and the cooperation of persons, departments, groups and organizations;
(4) produce and disseminate information material or informational, educational or awareness programs or activities dealing with the rights and needs of victims of crime and the services available to them, and encourage the production and dissemination of such information material and such programs or activities by third persons;
(5) identify priorities and needs in terms of research, study and analysis and carry out such activities or cause such activities to be carried out by others;
(6) promote and coordinate the establishment and development of assistance centres for victims of crime, in particular by offering community organizations the technical and professional support required to establish and operate such centres.
The Bureau may also perform any other function entrusted to it by the Minister in a field related to assistance and compensation for the victims of crime.