10. In addition to the powers provided in section 94 of the Professional Code (chapter C-26), the Bureau may by regulation:(a) change the territories or the names of the sections with the consent of the sections concerned;
(b) require an annual financial report from the sections;
(c) determine how the proceeds of the assessments are to be distributed among the sections;
(d) put under trusteeship or abolish those sections which do not make suitable or beneficial use of their funds; require from the officers of such sections a report on the use of their funds and, if necessary, order an inquiry;
(e) have returned to it the books, records and property of the sections abolished by the Bureau or dissolved on their own initiative in accordance with this Act and dispose of them, the Bureau then assuming the obligations of such sections;
(f) impose the following penalties on sections which fail to make the report required under subparagraph b or to submit to the disallowance effected under section 22 of a by-law: deprivation of the right of representation on the Bureau, or the placing under trusteeship or the abolition of the section;
(g) define the program of examinations for admission to the practice of the profession and the qualifications required of candidates;
(h) establish a committee of examiners composed of seven representatives chosen from among the members of the Order.