T-15.01, r. 6 - Tariff of costs exigible by the Administrative Housing Tribunal

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1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $90 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$58, where the rent is $350 or less;
$69, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$90, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $222 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $222 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $46 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for an application to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1; S.Q. 2019, c. 28, s. 109.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $87 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$56, where the rent is $350 or less;
$67, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$87, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $216 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $216 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $45 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for an application to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1; S.Q. 2019, c. 28, s. 109.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $84 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$54, where the rent is $350 or less;
$65, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$84, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $210 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $210 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $44 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for an application to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1; S.Q. 2019, c. 28, s. 109.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $80 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$51, where the rent is $350 or less;
$62, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$80, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $199 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $199 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $42 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for an application to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1; S.Q. 2019, c. 28, s. 109.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $79 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$50, where the rent is $350 or less;
$61, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$79, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $196 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $196 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $41 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for an application to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1; S.Q. 2019, c. 28, s. 109.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $78 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$49, where the rent is $350 or less;
$60, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$78, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $193 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $193 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $40 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for an application to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1; S.Q. 2019, c. 28, s. 109.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $78 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$49, where the rent is $350 or less;
$60, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$78, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $193 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $193 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $40 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for a motion to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $76 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$48, where the rent is $350 or less;
$59, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$76, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $189 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $189 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $39 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for a motion to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $75 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$47, where the rent is $350 or less;
$58, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$75, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $185 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $185 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $38 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for a motion to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $74 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$46, where the rent is $350 or less;
$57, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$74, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $182 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $182 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $37 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for a motion to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $73 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$45, where the rent is $350 or less;
$56, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$73, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $179 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $179 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $36 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for a motion to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $72 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$44, where the rent is $350 or less;
$55, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$72, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $176 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $176 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $35 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for a motion to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $71 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$43, where the rent is $350 or less;
$54, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$71, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $174 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $174 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $35 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for a motion to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $70 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$43, where the rent is $350 or less;
$53, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$70, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $172 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $172 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $35 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for a motion to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1.
1. For the filing of the proceedings below, the costs exigible are established as follows:
(1)  $68 for an application other than the applications referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3;
(2)  for an application for a ruling on a change in a lease, for the fixing, revision or a decrease of rent, for contesting an adjustment or re-establishment of rent, for the review of a decision of the court or for an application including a decrease in rent:
$42, where the rent is $350 or less;
$52, where the rent is more than $350 but not more than $600;
$68, where the rent is more than $600;
(3)  $168 for an application for authorization to convert an immovable to divided co-ownership, to which $168 shall be added per dwelling starting with the second dwelling;
(4)  $34 for replacing on the roll a case struck off the roll or for a motion to reopen a hearing.
O.C. 519-97, s. 1.